
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum chronic and chronic. The cause bacteria Treponema pallidum. These bacteria enter the human body through the mucous membranes (eg in the vagina or mouth) or through the skin.

The bacteria then spread to nearby lymph nodes. Further spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. Syphilis can also infect the fetus during pregnancy and cause birth defects. Keep in mind, someone who had syphilis infection will not be immune and can become infected again.

Symptoms usually begin to occur within 1-13 weeks after infection. Infection may persist for many years and rarely cause heart damage, brain damage or death. Other symptoms are not feeling well (malaise), loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, fever and anemia. While in the latent phase, where no visible symptoms at all. This phase can last for years or decades or even lifelong sufferer. In the early phase of latent infectious wounds sometimes re-emerge.

Avoiding sexual contact with syphilis patients who are in treatment period. If syphilis has entered a latent phase is necessary antibody drugs on doctor's instructions. Also recommended for a blood test.
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Psoriasis is a skin disease in which sufferers experience skin replacement process too quickly. This disease sometimes appears in the long term or recurring in uncertain times. This disease is not life threatening and not contagious.

The exact cause of psoriasis is not known with certainty. Many scientists believe that the conditions in which is derived from parent to child. The trigger could be a scratching / repetitive friction, anti-hypertension drugs and antibiotics, applying medication to the skin too hard, uncontrollable emotions, and high-calorie foods.

The symptoms of psoriasis in the skin known if there is a bright red area than the surrounding skin, there are small areas of bleeding when scratched, diseases of the nails, and itching at the red area.

Psoriasis Treatment is usually carried out in various ways starting with a topical ointment (topical), swallowed drugs (systemic) or by irradiation with UVB rays. Both ointments or radiation treatments only help reduce the disease and not cure at all, so any time the disease can recur.
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a disorder tingling in the hands teruma thumb, forefinger and middle finger. Cause swelling of the nerve in the wrist. These disorders often attack the computer users in the long term.

Weak and stiff in the hand and wrist, middle finger tingling or numbness. Other symptoms at night, the patient will wake up because of numb fingers.

CST can be treated with light therapy. Namely, the hand muscles to make movements that do not monotonous. Prevention can also be done by establishing a good sitting position when working at the computer.
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Hernia is a disease due to decline as the weakening of the scrotal layers of abdominal wall muscles. Weak cavity walls formed by a pocket of the door ring. These disorders often occur in the abdominal area with the content coming out of parts of the intestine. Patients with hernias, indeed most men, especially the children.

Hernia that occurs in children, is mainly due to defective procesus vaginalis to close along with the decline in the testes or testicles. While in adults, because of the high pressure in the abdominal cavity and because the age factor that causes muscle weakness of the abdominal wall.

Hernia disease suffered by many people who live in urban areas, that in fact is full of activity and bustle in which these activities require high stamina. If not good stamina and enforced, the disease continues to be menghinggapinya hernia.

Most sufferers will feel the pain, if there is infection in it, for example, if children are too active sufferers.

Medical treatment for hernias is by doing surgery. Often the hernia can be pushed back into the abdominal cavity.
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Genetalis herpes

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Genetalis herpes is an infection or inflammation (bubble blister) on the skin especially in the genitals (vagina, penis, including the rectum / anus and the buttocks and groin / groin) is caused by herpes simplex virus (VHS).

Men who are not circumcised, more at risk of genital herpes than circumcised men. The man who is not circumcised thin mucus membrane. Meanwhile, if already circumcised thick mucus membranes, a regular skin, so that relatively more difficult to catch.

Symptoms initially arose on days 4-7 after infection in the form of itching, and pain kesemutann. Then came the little red spots, followed by a collection of small painful blisters. These blisters rupture and merge to form a circular wound. Wounds that usually causes pain and form a scab. In addition, patients have difficulty to urinate and when walking pain will occur. New injuries will get better within 10 days but can leave scarring.

Other symptoms of pelvic lymph nodes are usually somewhat larger.
These initial symptoms is more painful, longer and more widespread than the following symptoms and sometimes accompanied by fever and not feeling well.

In men, blisters and injuries can be formed in every part of the penis, including the front skin of the penis is not circumcised. In women, blisters and injuries can be formed in the vulva and cervix. If the patient had sexual intercourse through the anus, then the blisters and sores can form around the anus or in the rectum.

In people with immune system disorders (eg patients with HIV infection), herpes injuries can be severe, spread to other body parts, persist for several weeks or more, and resistant to treatment with acyclovir.

The symptoms tend to recur again in the same region or in the vicinity, because the virus settled in nearby pelvic nerve and re-active to re-infect the skin.

There is no treatment that can cure genital herpes. But treatment can shorten the duration of the attack. The number of attacks can be reduced by continuously taking anti-viral drugs low doses. Treatment will be effective if started as early as possible, usually 2 days after onset of symptoms.

Treatment is aimed to reduce the amount of live virus in the wound, thereby reducing the risk of transmission. Another goal, relieve symptoms in the early phase.
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Watch for symptoms of hyperthyroidism in Women

Jakarta, Every part of the human body has glands that produce certain hormones. If the production of normal hormones will not cause a problem but if their production can lead to excessive danger. Like excess thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) which occurs in many women.

Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormone, usually because the gland is too active. This condition caused some changes both mentally and physically a man, who called thyrotoxicosis.

Hormones that affect the thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), these hormones regulate growth and chemical or metabolic reactions in the body. Normally the pituitary gland controls the production of thyroid hormones, this gland is located at the base of the brain. When the intake of thyroid hormone decreases, these glands will release thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to stimulate the production of thyroid hormones.

Hormone excess is usually caused by a severe illness, excessive thyroid hormone in the placement, inflammation of the thyroid gland, a lump in the thyroid gland, excessive use of drugs containing iodine, thyroid hormone oversecretion after pregnancy, or it could be because of cancer or tumors.

Symptoms to watch out for are:
1. Anxiety and often nervous.
2. Like trembling fingers.
3. Heart was pounding like.
4. Reduced weight.
5. Like excessive sweating.
6. Weakness and decreased concentration.
7. Insomnia.
8. Such headaches tingling.
9. Menstruation cycles are irregular and unstable emotions.

Thyroid hormone excess disease was more prevalent in women than in men, although not yet determined what factors play a role in it.

To diagnose this disease should dlakukan several tests such as physical examination and laboratory blood tests to look at hormone levels T3, T4 and THS. If the high thyroid hormone levels and low hormone levels THS, this indicates an overactive thyroid gland caused by the existence of a disease.

Could also be detected by using a thyroid scan uses X-ray beam to see the thyroid gland after the use of radioactive iodine by mouth. If not too severe treatment by simply taking antithyroid medications, proper rest, eat a balanced diet and enough sleep. But if it is bad to do surgery.

If there is one of your symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist doctor to determine whether the result of excess thyroid hormone or not. Because if it can be detected earlier do not have to do the surgery.
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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is caused layers of tissue inflammation. In such a long time disrupting the inflammatory joints. This disease will limit patient activity and create pain when walking or mengggerakkan hand.

Rheumatoid Arthritis affects more women than men. Sometimes attacking women aged 40-60 years. The exact cause of rheumatoid not known. But rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease disease. This means that the natural immune system attack the joints.

The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include pain in the pesendirian, hands, legs, and neck pain when moved. This disease always affects both parts of the body at the same time. In some cases, even, attacking the eyes, and heart.

There was no specific treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, the treatment only helps relieve symptoms and control the disease. Treatment continues throughout the life of the patient. Treatment includes medication, exercise, and lifestyle changes.
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